HTTP Status 300 Codes
Information about HTTP status codes 300 to 399, their meaning, and any related restrictions.
HTTP code 300 - Redirect
An error occurred on the server and it is unable to complete the request. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.
There are multiple versions of the resource from which the client can choose.
This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI. The request method can change.
The resource has not been modified since the time specified by the if-modified-since or if-none-match headers and there is no need to re-download it.
The resource is only available through the proxy specified in the response. Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer do not follow this rule.
The request should use the URI specified, but subsequent requests should continue using the original URI. The request method should not change.
This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI. This is similar to 301 but the request method cannot change.