HTTP Status Codes

Information about all HTTP status codes, their meaning, and any related restrictions. Use the filters to narrow down your search.


HTTP code 100 - Informational


An error occurred on the server and it is unable to complete the request. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.

  • Continue

    Indicates that request headers have been received and the client should send the request body (if any).

    This requires the client to send an Expect: 100-continue header in the request.

    If an error code is returned then the client should not send the request body.

    If the server is unable to support the Expect header then a 417 will be returned.

  • Switching Protocols

    The client has requested to switch protocols and the server has agreed.

  • Processing

    Indicates the server is processing the request but has not yet finished.

  • Early Hints

    Return response headers before final HTTP response.

  • Checkpoint

    Used in resumable requests.

HTTP code 200 - Success


An error occurred on the server and it is unable to complete the request. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.

  • OK

    Standard response indicating a successful action. For GET requests this will be the resource, and for POST it will be the result of the action.

  • Created

    The request was successful and a new resource was created.

  • Accepted

    The request was accepted but has not yet completed.

  • Non Authoritative Information

    The server is a proxy that returned a 200 from the origin and is returning a modified version of the response.

  • No Content

    The server has processed the request and no content is returned.

HTTP code 300 - Redirect


An error occurred on the server and it is unable to complete the request. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.

  • Multiple Choices

    There are multiple versions of the resource from which the client can choose.

  • Moved Permanently

    This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI. The request method can change.

  • Moved Temporarily

    The resource has temporarily been moved to another location. This is superseded by 303 and 307.

  • See Other

    The resource is found at another location. For POST, PUT, and DELETE requests the client should assume the data has been received.

  • Not Modified

    The resource has not been modified since the time specified by the if-modified-since or if-none-match headers and there is no need to re-download it.

HTTP code 400 - Client Error


An error situation occurred which seems to be caused by the client. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.

  • Bad Request

    The request cannot be processed due to a client error, such as malformed request.

  • Unauthorized

    Authentication is required but has not been provided. This is similar to 403, but is used when authentication is required and hasn't been provided.

    The response will include a www-authenticate header containing authentication details.

  • Payment Required

    Unused status code originally intended to be used as part of a payment system.

    Google Developers API, Shopify, and Stripe use this.

  • Forbidden

    The request is valid but is refused because the user does not have appropriate permissions, or because the action is not allowed. It is also used when a www-authenticate check fails.

    The request should not be repeated.

  • Not Found

    The resource could not be found, but may be available in the future.

HTTP code 500 - Server Error


An error occurred on the server and it is unable to complete the request. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.

References: Wikipedia, Mozilla.