HTTP Status 200 Codes
Information about HTTP status codes 200 to 299, their meaning, and any related restrictions.
HTTP code 200 - Success
An error occurred on the server and it is unable to complete the request. Information about the error should be returned and displayed unless a HEAD request was performed.
The request was successful and a new resource was created.
The request was accepted but has not yet completed.
The server is a proxy that returned a 200 from the origin and is returning a modified version of the response.
The server has processed the request and no content is returned.
The server has processed the request and no content is returned, but asks that the client reset its view.
Only part of the resource is returned. This is caused by a range request. This is typically used to resume or split a download.
A WebDAV binding has been enumerated in a previous 207 and are not included here again.
The request has been fulfilled.